Статьи в зарубежных изданиях

Serpik, I.N. Genetic synthesis procedure of bearing wagon structures / I.N. Serpik, V.V. Miroshnikov, M.I. Serpik, A.I. Tyutyunnikov // Machines quality: Collected papers of the 4 International Scientific and Technical Conference. – Bryansk, 2001. – Vol. 1. – P. 75 – 77.

Serpik, I.N. Evolutionary modeling in the optimization of rod building structures / I.N. Serpik, A.V. Alekseytsev, F.N. Levkovich // Computer modeling 2004: Papers of the 5 International Scientific and Technical Conference. Part. 2. – Saint Petersburg: Nestor, 2004. – P. 6 – 8.

Serpik, I.N. Development of a new finite element for plate and shell analysis by application of generalized approach to patch test / I.N. Serpik // Finite Elements in Analysis & Design. – 2010. - Vol. 46, № 11. – P. 1017 – 1030.

Serpik, I.N. Simulation modeling technique in the process of building structures optimization / I.N. Serpik, A.V. Alekseytsev // European Science and Technology: materials of the III international research and practice conference (Munich, October 30 – 31, 2012) / publishing office Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg – Munich - Germany. - Munich, 2012. – Vol. I. – P. 244 – 247.